Does my child need help with talking and communicating?
It is natural to be concerned about your child's communication skills. You may be thinking 'does my child need speech therapy', 'I can’t understand my child' or 'why isn't my son/daughter talking yet'? Don’t panic! It is normal to have these questions.
Do you feel you're little one:
Needs help with talking
Is not saying many words
Can't make friends
Mixes up words and sentences
Can't find the right words
Stammers or gets stuck on words
Can't use the right sounds
Loses attention and focus quickly
Doesn't follow instructions
Has challenging behaviour
Is low on confidence and self esteem
Avoids eye contact and cant play with toys
Gets frustrated and anxious
If you feel that your child struggles with any of the above or has additional communication needs, then they may benefit speech and language therapy support.